Essay Component

"Me?  Jealous?”-Amusing Insight into Family Relationships
            Think about the color green.  It takes on various meanings depending on the context of its use.  For example, green may represent youth and health when referring to a green bud or plant.  Green may also mean “go” as with a stoplight.  This color could also represent luck and Irish pride, or wealth in the form of money.  In a different context, however, green represents a monster:  the Green Monster of Jealousy.  Most people associate jealousy with negative and unpleasant feelings.  Jealousy is often depicted as serious and destructive, and used to reveal someone’s dark side.  Episode 14 in Season 3 of the TV show Modern Family portrays jealousy in a refreshingly original light.   This episode’s amusing depiction of the influence of jealousy in marriage, sibling relationships, and gender roles serves to highlight Modern Family’s central theme of the importance of family.
            The issue of jealousy in this episode of Modern Family plays a significant role in Phil and Claire Dunphy’s marriage.  The opening scene introduces the event around which this issue centers:  Phil has a potential client for his real estate business.  His excitement and anticipation for that night’s dinner with the client becomes obvious with his excessive planning.  For example, as he marinates salmon, Phil exclaims that he might also prepare a steak for “backup”, in case the client doesn’t like salmon.  His youngest daughter then accuses him of having a “man crush” on the client.  Phil’s concentrated focus on getting this man’s business and his complete cluelessness as a result is displayed as he continues talking about the client, saying, “ . . .he got divorced and his whole life opened up, guy’s living the dream . . . his dream.  Not my dream . . . you’re my dream (to Claire)”.  Claire’s annoyance with Phil’s obsession becomes evident after he has to backtrack with this comment.  She doesn’t become truly annoyed until after the dinner, however.  The client seems like a charming and relatable guy.  He jokes about his ex-wife and kids and compliments Phil and Claire.  The problem arises when he goes to leave and kisses Claire on the lips right in front of Phil.  To Claire’s surprise, Phil doesn’t seem to mind; he is too excited by how well the dinner went and instead exclaims, “another good sign”!  Phil’s reaction, or lack thereof, reveals how his distraction has replaced the normal jealousy that he should feel at another man kissing his wife. 
            As the episode progresses, Claire becomes more unhappy with Phil’s nonchalant attitude towards the situation.  For example, the client stops by when Phil isn’t home to fix the dining room table-and he brings a bottle of wine.  Claire points out these two blatantly obvious facts but Phil instead accuses her of wanting more attention from him.  The client invites them both over to his house for dinner, an invitation Claire reluctantly accepts.  She notices that the client kisses both his daughter and mother on the lips as well; Phil is too busy admiring the house and ironically bragging how “nothing gets by” him.  The turning point in the episode comes when Claire decides to laugh at all of the client’s jokes.  Her laughter is what finally attracts Phil’s attention.  He becomes irate with jealousy.  Claire then confesses that she wanted him to be jealous all along.  The issue of jealousy portrayed through this particular situation serves to reveal the amusing yet loving dynamic of Phil and Claire’s marriage, additionally enhancing Claire’s character as a control freak and Phil’s as the oblivious, but adoring husband on Modern Family.
            The second depiction of jealousy highlights the nature of sibling relationships, specifically between Haley and Alex Dunphy.  Haley personifies the beautiful, yet not so bright older sister to the younger and more studious Alex.  While filling out college applications, Haley exaggerates about her volunteer experience, claiming to be involved with the Big Brother/ Big Sister program.  To her astonishment, her parents actually insist that she do the volunteer work.  However, Haley ends up adoring her “little sis”; this makes Alex jealous.  Haley’s air headedness especially annoys the intelligent Alex when Haley shows her a picture drawn by her “little sis” that looks exactly like one that Alex drew for Haley at that age; but Haley, of course, loves this one.  Alex’s jealousy shows how much she loves Haley and wants her attention.  Towards the end of the episode their little brother Luke steps in to break up the fighting.  Alex then forgets her jealousy and the girls bond over a game they used to play:  dressing up their brother as “Betty Luke”.  In this aspect, Modern Family humorously resolves the issue of sibling jealousy by bringing the two sisters together as they bond over torturing their brother, displaying the comic and affectionate nature of the show’s sibling relationships.
            Lastly, this episode’s portrayal of jealousy highlights gender roles on the show.  Claire Dunphy’s father, Jay, is married to a Columbian woman named Gloria.  Jay’s other child besides Claire is her gay brother Mitchell, who is married to Cameron.  Mitchell and Cam must stay at Jay and Gloria’s house for a few days until their water turns back on.  Initially Cam and Gloria, who get along very well, are thrilled with the arrangement and act like two best girlfriends.  Then, the trouble begins.  Cam decides to organize and “brighten up” Gloria’s house.  Sexy and beautiful Gloria is insecure in her ability as a homemaker; she is jealous of Cam and gets angry with him for filling this role.  Then, when Gloria takes Lily, Mitchell and Cam’s adopted Asian daughter, to school and shopping for “matchy” leopard print coats, Cam becomes the jealous one.  Gloria acts like a mother towards Lily; as a gay father, Cam cannot truly fill this role for Lily and feels replaced by Gloria.  Modern Family’s characteristic mid-show interviews with the individual characters especially reveals how Cam and Gloria feel.  They each feel jealous of the other one succeeding in what should be their role, according to gender.  Ultimately, the two friends admit their jealousy and laugh off their fight, demonstrating how they won’t allow traditional gender role expectations to negatively influence their friendship.
            Clearly, jealousy presents the central theme of this episode of Modern Family.  However, this one issue also reveals themes central to the show as a whole through the actions and behavior of the characters, which are consistent with their personalities.  For example, jealousy emphasizes Claire’s neuroticism, Phil’s obliviousness, Cam’s sensitivity, and Gloria’s insecurity.  How the characters interact with each other in regards to the issue of jealousy further serves to highlight the central qualities of their relationships, whether it is the loving and equally frustrating quality of Phil and Claire’s marriage, the comical sibling dynamic between the three Dunphy children, or the entertaining and slightly competitive nature of the two “housewives” Cam and Gloria.  Overall, the amusing depiction of jealousy exemplifies the humorous and heartwarming position that Modern Family takes on any issue that affects relationships and families.
            In conclusion, I think that the show Modern Family provides a strikingly realistic portrayal of the relationships between family members today.  Each episode involves conflicts between family members, and though sometimes the subject of conflict is slightly outrageous, a resolution or compromise is always reached in the end.  Modern Family emphasizes how truly essential an accepting and loving family is in our self-centered and fast-paced society.  The colorful, relatable cast and seemingly endless supply of hilarious one-liners attracts audiences of any age, effectively promoting the message of the importance of family to America as a whole.    

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