Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Effective Speeches Come in Small, Blonde Packages

Elle Woods Speech

This clip portrays an excellent (and perhaps unexpected) example of effective speaking through the bright and beautiful character of Elle Woods from the  Legally Blonde movies.  The particular clip is from the second movie, Legally Blonde 2:  Red, White, and Blonde.

The main plot of this movie involves Elle Woods attempting to get an animal rights' bill passed in Congress.  Her bill is called Bruiser's Bill, after her own dog.  Her particular public speaking situation takes place in front of Congress.  Through her ability to adapt to the audience, unique use of language, and excellent delivery, Elle Woods exemplifies effective and responsible speaking.

Initially, before Elle even begins her speech, she looks around the room, taking in the expectant faces of those present in her audience.  At this point, she pushes aside the folder of notes in front of her.  Already, Elle has chosen to disregard the outline of her original, prepared speech in favor of a different path that better suits her audience in her mind.  Throughout her speech, Elle appears to be quite receptive to her audience.  For example, she makes eye contact with audience members, and also takes cues from particular actions, such as rolling eyes, to make her point sooner, and more clearly.  Elle notices when her audience is engaged and when they are not.  Her adaptation to these behaviors enhances the quality and success of her speech, allowing her to maintain and exert some control over the attentiveness of her audience throughout.

The second part of Elle's speaking that contributes to her effectiveness involves her unique use of language.  One line in particular emphasizes this idea when Elle says, "I know what you're thinking:  'What could this simple, small-town girl from Bel-Air have to say to all of us?  Well I'll tell you".  In this example, Elle uses language that is less formal and highly personal in its manner.  This choice makes Elle more relatable to her audience, and also allows her personality to slip through.  In this way, Elle secures the interest of the audience in her, and more importantly, in what she has to say.

Ultimately, Elle's overall excellent delivery characterizes her speaking as effective.  She demonstrates a unique balance of confidence, poise, and a tiny amount of vulnerability in the spotlight.  Elle uses a clear and direct voice in her address.  Additionally, she effectively uses pathos in her appeal through a personal and humorous anecdote.  Elle use of this story surprises her audience at first, but serves to introduce her turning point most effectively.  Her emotion, expression, and passion behind the cause shine through as a result of this story and captivate the audience.  As they laugh, and regain seriousness with Elle, she draws them in to support her cause.

Elle Woods successfully portrays effective public speaking and civic engagement through her ability to adapt to the audience, unique use of language, and excellent delivery.  She serves to prove that anyone who is passionate enough about a cause and willing to stand up in front of others to share this passion has the potential to influence change and call for action through civic engagement.  This pretty blonde clearly knows how to give a speech!

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